Thursday 28 January 2010

Mojo Contents Page

There’s is only one image used; this is the main focus of the page as it covers the whole page. the text covers the image, and the trees that are in the background are blurred so that the main focus is Corinne Bailey Rae, who is an up and coming artist this matches the style of the magazine because they focus on up and coming/new music or artist. The image has been made the background. A house style is being developed as you can see the central image is black and white then the text is white, black or red. The black and white image is supposed to support the front covers image white is meant to resemble the 70's. The information is organised in two columns diving the page in half, this make the magazine look very formal and easily understood. The writing then curves around the central image, this is so that the central image is visible. There is a section that is surrounded by two lines, this has been separated from the other text making it stand out as it is telling us what page the article from the front cover is going to be on. There isn’t any promotional feature on this contents page. The magazines title block is at the top of the page, this shows that it is very dominate as it takes up a lot of the room. There is also another logo at the bottom of the page but it is only small next to the page numbers.

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