Friday 5 February 2010

Proposal and Questionaire

The genre of the magazine that I will be producing will be newly released or up and coming music. The audience will vary with their interests in all music types and would like to be able to have in-depth interviews. The age group of the audience should be from 18-25 a more older audience as the most of the magazines are targeted for younger generations. This magazine will be aimed for females as although there are many glamour or fashion magazines that are aimed at mainly women, there are not many music magazines targeted for them.

This is a questionnaire that I have produced so that I can find out what will attract my target audience to buy my magazine. Please circle what answer applies to you.

1. How often do you buy magazines?
Everyday Once a week Once a fortnight Monthly
When something interesting is inside
2. How much are you willing to spend on a magazine?
£1 or under £2 or under £3 or under £4 or under Over £5
3. What attracts you to magazine?
Freebies Celebrities Posters Interviews Competitions
Exclusive features Reviews Articles Clothing
4. What do you prefer in-depth interviews or factual information on artists?
In-depth interviews Factual information Both
5. Can you suggest a name for the magazine?
6. What is your favourite colour/s? (no more than two)
7. Do you find it difficult to find out about new music or artists?
Yes No
8. Do you find it difficult to find out about up and coming music or artists?
Yes No

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